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Schools Offering Film and Cinema Associate's Degrees

In 2024, we rated 33 schools offering film and cinema studies associate's degrees.

The best film and cinema studies associate's degree program in the United States is offered by Fashion Institute of Technology. That school offers a good film and cinema studies associate's degree program - four stars for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

Check the top schools providing film and cinema studies associate's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Film & cinema studies associate's degree schools:

Fashion Institute of Technology - Film School Ranking
1. Fashion Institute of Technology

Located in New York City, New York

Full Sail University - Film School Ranking
2. Full Sail University

Located in Winter Park, Florida

Columbia College Hollywood - Film School Ranking
3. Columbia College Hollywood

Located in Tarzana, California

Santa Monica College - Film School Ranking
4. Santa Monica College

Located in Santa Monica, California

Los Angeles Valley College - Film School Ranking
5. Los Angeles Valley College

Located in Valley Glen, California

Foothill College - Film School Ranking
6. Foothill College

Located in Los Altos Hills, California

College of Marin - Film School Ranking
7. College of Marin

Located in Kentfield, California

Northern Virginia Community College - Film School Ranking
8. Northern Virginia Community College

Located in Annandale, Virginia

City College of San Francisco - Film School Ranking
9. City College of San Francisco

Located in San Francisco, California

Santa Rosa Junior College - Film School Ranking
10. Santa Rosa Junior College

Located in Santa Rosa, California

Metropolitan Community College Area - Film School Ranking
11. Metropolitan Community College Area

Located in Omaha, Nebraska

Cosumnes River College - Film School Ranking
12. Cosumnes River College

Located in Sacramento, California

Santa Barbara City College - Film School Ranking
13. Santa Barbara City College

Located in Santa Barbara, California

Southern Crescent Technical College - Film School Ranking
14. Southern Crescent Technical College

Located in Griffin, Georgia

Union College Lincoln - Film School Ranking
15. Union College Lincoln

Located in Lincoln, Nebraska

Las Positas College - Film School Ranking
16. Las Positas College

Located in Livermore, California

Irvine Valley College - Film School Ranking
17. Irvine Valley College

Located in Irvine, California

Palomar College - Film School Ranking
18. Palomar College

Located in San Marcos, California

College of San Mateo - Film School Ranking
19. College of San Mateo

Located in San Mateo, California

Glendale Community College - Film School Ranking
20. Glendale Community College

Located in Glendale, Arizona

Greenfield Community College - Film School Ranking
21. Greenfield Community College

Located in Greenfield, Massachusetts

Santa Fe Community College - Film School Ranking
22. Santa Fe Community College

Located in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Long Beach City College - Film School Ranking
23. Long Beach City College

Located in Long Beach, California

American River College - Film School Ranking
24. American River College

Located in Sacramento, California

Washtenaw Community College - Film School Ranking
25. Washtenaw Community College

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sacramento City College - Film School Ranking
26. Sacramento City College

Located in Sacramento, California

Oakland Community College - Film School Ranking
27. Oakland Community College

Located in Auburn Hills, Michigan

Monroe Community College - Film School Ranking
28. Monroe Community College

Located in Rochester, New York

West Valley College - Film School Ranking
29. West Valley College

Located in Saratoga, California

Saddleback College - Film School Ranking
30. Saddleback College

Located in Mission Viejo, California

Monterey Peninsula College - Film School Ranking
31. Monterey Peninsula College

Located in Monterey, California

University of New Mexico Valencia County - Film School Ranking
32. University of New Mexico Valencia County

Located in Los Lunas, New Mexico

Eastern Arizona College - Film School Ranking
33. Eastern Arizona College

Located in Thatcher, Arizona

Film & cinema studies associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State2 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Arizona19 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in California1 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Florida1 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Georgia1 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Massachusetts2 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Michigan2 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Nebraska2 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in New Mexico2 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in New York1 Film and Cinema Studies Associate's Degree Schools in Virginia

Other film & cinema studies diplomas:

Certificates: 19 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 212 schools
Master's Degrees: 50 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 17 schools

Other film associate's degrees:

Film Acting: 12 schools
Screenwriting and Playwriting: 3 schools
Cinematography and Production: 91 schools

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