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Cinematography and Film Production Bachelor's Degrees in Washington

Washington Cinematography and Production Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we reviewed 4 Washington schools offering cinematography and production bachelor's degrees, and Central Washington University is the best option.

Check other Washington schools granting cinematography and production bachelor's degrees and film colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other film major or diploma.

WA cinematography & production bachelor's degree schools:

Central Washington University - Film School Ranking
Cornish College of the Arts - Film School Ranking
Seattle Film Institute - Film School Ranking
3. Seattle Film Institute

Located in Seattle

Olympic College - Film School Ranking
4. Olympic College

Located in Bremerton

Cinematography & production bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Montana State University - Film School Ranking
Montana State University

Located in Bozeman, Montana

The University of Montana - Film School Ranking
The University of Montana

Located in Missoula, Montana

Pacific University - Film School Ranking
Pacific University

Located in Forest Grove, Oregon

George Fox University - Film School Ranking
George Fox University

Located in Newberg, Oregon

WA film schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Washington Seattle - Film School Ranking
University of Washington Seattle

Located in Seattle, 4 bachelor's programs

Seattle University - Film School Ranking
Seattle University

Located in Seattle, 2 bachelor's programs

Whitman College - Film School Ranking
Whitman College

Located in Walla Walla, 2 bachelor's programs

Eastern Washington University - Film School Ranking
Eastern Washington University

Located in Cheney, 1 bachelor's program

Seattle Pacific University - Film School Ranking
Seattle Pacific University

Located in Seattle, 1 bachelor's program

Other film bachelor's degrees in WA:

Film and Cinema Studies: 6 schools
Film Acting: 2 schools
Screenwriting and Playwriting: 1 school

Other cinematography & production diplomas in WA:

Certificates: 1 school

Washington film schools by city:

Bremerton: 1 school
Cheney: 1 school
Ellensburg: 1 school
Seattle: 5 schools
Walla Walla: 1 school

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